For years I have been considering doing a Monkees podcast. It has always felt like a big subject since I believe the band was very important in the history of pop music. I have tried to record it a couple of times, but was never happy with the direction or the results. This time I decided to mainly focus on the TV show, and I am happy with how it turned out.
On the show, I start by discussing a friend in school who was obsessed with the band and how they hoped to get a part in the reboot of the Monkees. Then I move onto the band. I discuss their casting, music, the tv show, the movie, their tours, reception, rebellion, and much more.
This band matters. Not only were they wildly successful, but at the height of their popularity, they turned a critical eye towards themselves. It is amazing that a band that was constructed to serve as a commercial enterprise, not only played along, but then subversively began tearing down their own image. I am not sure if its unprecedented, but it a big deal and deserves to be remembered.
I am a Monkees fan, and because of their TV antics, they rank pretty high in my lost of bands from that era. Were they more talented than the Beatles? Maybe not musically, but in other ways, like presence and certainly acting ability, they were much better. So if you are not familiar with the band, please give them a try. If you haven’t listened to them in a while, now is a good time to revisit them.
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This is the 336th episode of the Retroist Podcast and episode 11 of the new season. This is one of the longer episodes of the show. Certainly the longest episode this season, so far.
For a long time, this was one of the most requested shows. I did try and record it during season 2 and 6, but I couldn’t get it right. My problem was that I don’t really have the proper vocabulary to talk about music in a podcast. For this episode, I decided I would focus on the show, but mention some stuff about their music and their movie, Head.
At some points in the 80s, if you had cable TV and some decent local channels, you could watch several hours of the Monkees each day. A few times, I just channel jumped watching only Monkees.
We only owned their first album. So when the Monkees made their comeback, it was interesting to get to hear just how much music they had made over the years.
In the episode, I cut out a part where I talked about how my favorite Monkee is. I am not going to explain, why, no one should have to explain their favorite Monkee. I am a Mike Nesmith fan.
I mention the Epcot Concerts that I saw with Davy Jones. Those concerts were amazing. You could just be walking around the park and see a concert loading in and then get to see a well-know, but maybe slightly dated artist. What a treat!
I cut out a section about people who would come into the video store trying to find all the episodes of the show. At least once a day, after the show premiered on MTV, this was a question you had to field. I think we started selling some Monkees merchandise and a surprising number of people would buy it once we told them you couldn’t get more of the show on VHS.
The FBI kept files on the Monkees. Too much monkeying around?
The Monkees weren’t about music, Marge. They were about rebellion!
Bonus Clipping should be up on Patreon tomorrow.
Music on the show is, as always, by Peachy.
Thanks for listening to the show and I hope you have a great weekend.
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