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Over 2 Million Grocery-Sold Donuts Affected

FGF Brands, a leading bakery manufacturer based in Indiana, has been a major player in the baked goods industry for years. They produce a wide range of delicious products, from donuts to pastries, which are sold in grocery stores and through food service providers across the United States and Canada.

They are known for reliable production and expansive distribution and have quickly become a staple in the lives of many who enjoy their sweet offerings. As of January 7, 2025, however, FGF has initiated a major recall of their donut products produced before December 13, 2024.

Why did the FDA recall a bunch of grocery-sold donuts?

fda recalls donuts
Photo by Igor Ovsyannykov:

The recall of over 2 million cases of assorted donuts was due to potential contamination with Listeria monocytogenes. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified the recall as Class II, meaning the risk to consumers is lower but still concerning. The affected donuts were sold across stores and markets in the U.S. and Canada.

Customers are also urged to thoroughly clean any surfaces or utensils that may have come into contact with the recalled products. For more details on the specific recall, the FDA website offers updated information and instructions on next steps.

fda recalls donutsfda recalls donuts

What donut products were recalled by the FGF brand?

The recall includes approximately 60 different donut products produced by FGF Brands. Some specific products affected by the recall include 15 Dunkin’ products like Munchkins, apple fritters, French crullers, paczki pastries, cake rings, and cinnamon sticks. A full list has also been provided for the consumer’s sake.

fda recalls donutsfda recalls donuts
FGF donut/Instagram

These donut products were already distributed across various retailers and food service providers. Therefore, FGF advised consumers who have purchased these items to either dispose of them or, better yet, return them to the store for a full refund.

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